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BOMA/Chicago Premier Sponsor Spotlight: P4 Protective Services


P4 Protective Services (P4P)是一家全方位服务的安全解决方案提供商,为遍布十大网赌靠谱网址平台大都市区的各种组织和市场提供服务, and across the country. P4P为所有垂直领域的商业和住宅建筑业主和管理者提供定制的综合防护解决方案. 需要训练有素的公共安全人员的组织和设施可以寻求P4P提供利用尖端安全技术的个性化解决方案, and incorporate analytics, training, consultation, and security program development.

P4P is regarded as Chicago’s most locally-focused security solutions provider. 在BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台和ABOMA市场拥有超过250年的综合经验, P4P的领导团队不只是说他们有所有权的心态——他们也是负责人和所有者. As native Chicagoans, each executive team member possesses the highest attention to detail, 对当地市场的深刻理解和不懈的奉献,提供一流的安全解决方案而不妥协. 由于被其他全球安全公司收购,其他公司无法灵活地提供如此高水平的安全服务.

P4P的重点领域包括保护解决方案、战略安全解决方案和快速响应. The firm is deeply rooted in the communities that it serves. Personnel who protect Chicagoland area properties also live locally, 从而了解他们所保护的每个财产的独特需求和文化. P4P继续为安全解决方案开辟新的道路,并引领下一代安全产品的发展,同时迎来下一代经过专业培训的安全专业人员.

Diversity in the security profession is extremely important to P4P. As a proud BOMA/Chicago Premier Partner, the firm will make a $1,十大网赌靠谱网址平台市中心每新建一座由十大网赌靠谱网址平台建筑管理局管理的建筑,就会向十大网赌靠谱网址平台建筑管理局/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会(BOMA/Chicago Foundation)捐赠1000美元. 这一努力是为了支持多元化委员会招募少数族裔和代表性不足的专业人士的使命, 并促进和帮助他们有机会进入商业房地产行业. P4P还旨在促进少数群体的专业发展,包括, but are not limited to race, ethnicity, LGBTQ and the disabled.

P4P的领导团队由安全行业中一些最著名的人物组成, including CEO and Co-founder Lawrence Doria, COO and Co-founder Adam Johnson, and Executive Vice Presidents and Principals Paul Ohm and Steve Vitale.  Learn more about the P4P executive team below:

CEO and Co-founder Lawrence Doria: Prior to starting P4P, Lawrence曾担任Securitas Security Services USA的十大网赌靠谱网址平台地区副总裁和业务发展副总裁. 他的职责包括Securitas在十大网赌靠谱网址平台地区的持续增长和成功,在那里他监督了9000多万美元的投资组合. Lawrence is also the former President and CEO of Security Management & Investigations (SMI) and the former President of The Security Professionals, Inc. (SPI). Prior to selling SMI and SPI to Securitas, Larry had over more than 25% of the BOMA high-rise market in his portfolio. For 32 years, 他负责SMI和SPI价值数百万美元的安全和调查业务的持续增长和成功, 管理着数千名安保人员和不当班的执法人员. 劳伦斯一直孜孜不倦地提高整个安保行业的标准.

作为伊利诺伊州安全专业人员协会(ISPA)董事会主席, Larry曾代表该组织参加影响伊利诺伊州安全行业的各种州立法和监管咨询会议. Through his leadership, ISPA在执法、安全和安全领域建立了有效的关系. These alliances brought together public and private agencies, proprietary security, 安全主管和政府机构共同努力,提高公众的安全和保障.

Adam JohnsonCOO and Co-founder Adam Johnson: Beginning his security career at Target Corporation, Adam was responsible for security operations, safety, and loss prevention for more than 15 years. He oversaw a territory that generated more than $400 million annually, which included the north side of Chicago and surrounding suburbs. 随后,他进入零售行业,为Securitas USA提供零售合同担保,这是该地区最大的投资组合之一, consisting of vertical markets such as BOMA, commercial real estate, data centers, manufacturing, healthcare, construction and retail. Adam focuses on the highest levels of training, development and continuing education for P4P personnel. He is committed to continuing to provide quality, value-added, integrated strategic security services for P4P clients.

Paul OhmExecutive Vice President and Principal Paul Ohm: A tragic day in U.S. history drew Paul Ohm to a career in the security industry. Just days after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, he enlisted in the United States Army, 迅速晋升,并被招募成为一名游骑兵,这是一支由精锐士兵组成的顶级特种作战部队,专门从事联合行动突袭和强行进入行动. After five tours of duty, 保罗回到十大网赌靠谱网址平台,开始为AlliedBarton(现在的联合环球)做合同保安工作。, where he managed a portfolio including BOMA/Chicago office buildings. 随后,他负责十大网赌靠谱网址平台市中心一栋高层建筑的安保工作,并担任十大网赌靠谱网址平台大学安全与安保主任. 他的职业背景将他与P4P联合创始人劳伦斯·多里亚和亚当·约翰逊联系在一起, who ultimately recruited him to join their growing firm.

Executive Vice President and Principal Steve Vitale: The child of Italian immigrants, 史蒂夫的创业精神在他很小的时候就被点燃了,当时他的父母努力为他和他的姐妹们创造更好的生活. As a young man, 史蒂夫天生的销售头脑和建立牢固关系的能力使他成为十大网赌靠谱网址平台梅赛德斯-奔驰经销商最年轻的大师级销售人员. Steve was then recruited to work in commercial real estate, where part of his responsibilities included the building’s security needs. He met P4P Co-founder Lawrence Doria, who was with Securitas USA at the time and became Steve’s mentor. 在史蒂夫离开Securitas公司之前,劳伦斯招募了他来负责业务发展. 两人多年来一直保持着联系,劳伦斯继续指导史蒂夫,直到他最终成为Securitas太平洋地区副总裁(包括加州和夏威夷),负责监督15家公司,000 employees and a $750 million portfolio.Lawrence enlisted Steve in 2020 to help to build P4P, with a strategic focus on integrated guarding solutions, operations and sales.

About P4P

P4 Protective Services (P4P) is headquartered in Downers Grove, Illinois with offices in Chicago's River North neighborhood. Founded in 2020, P4P提供训练有素的文职安全人员,以满足所有垂直领域的一系列安全需求, no matter the scope of work or location. To learn more, visit