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我们生活在一个多元化和包容性倡议在组织中得到应有关注的时代. At the BOMA/Chicago Foundation, 我们已经通过我们的多元化大使项目实施了其中一项重要举措. To share her experience as a Diversity Ambassador, we reached out to Angel Brown, Property Manager with Piedmont Office Realty Trust, for an in-depth conversation.

Angel, in your own words, let’s talk about what being Diversity Ambassador not only literally means, but what it means to you.

我是BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会的多元化大使,因为我觉得这是我回馈社区的一种有效而有意义的方式. And by giving back, 我的意思是为我所在社区的其他成员进入商业房地产行业铺平道路,并接触到大量的机会.

通过教育和指导代表性不足的高中生和大学生,让他们了解CRE的就业机会, I’m talking to them about opportunities that they never knew existed. When I speak directly to students at our Ambassador events, 了解他们对房地产的思考过程总是很有趣的. Usually, when you ask them, “what is the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the words “real estate”?” They mention buying and selling homes – and that’s it. They never think about the huge commercial buildings that they can design, develop, lease, manage and maintain. 所有这些都解释了为什么我是一名多元化大使……这样我就可以让他们了解这个行业.

Along those lines, I’m curious as to what led you even to explore this field?

When I was looking for a job right out of college, I didn’t know about the commercial real estate industry. I started with Chicago Title as a title searcher. 我很快了解到,商业房地产是不断发展的、快节奏的、有利可图的. As far as property management, I kind of fell into it. 2005年,我寻找商业地产方面的职位,并抓住机会成为威利斯大厦(Willis Tower)的物业管理员. This marked the beginning of my commercial real estate career. When I look at the inner city and where I’ve come from, 考虑职业选择通常局限于运动或成为医生或律师. 没有人想成为工程师、建筑师、电梯技术人员或物业经理. 这是我从一开始就改变这种看法的动力. Being a Diversity Ambassador plays a fundamental role in that.

What are some of your favorite events where you can make an impact?

I have many favorite experiences as an Ambassador, 但对我来说,印象最深刻的是在职业日那天,我去拜访母校——我自己的高中. 我有机会和那里的年轻人交谈,因为我在同样的环境中长大,毕业于同一所学校,同时面临着他们目前面临的一些非常相同的挑战. I was able to shed light on my career, my challenges and the many different career opportunities available. 当你和他们谈论这个行业中有许多不同的职业机会时,你会看到他们脸上的笑容, it’s just amazing. I was able to show them beautiful, big buildings and change their thought processes concerning those buildings. Now, when they come downtown and they see these buildings, they don’t just see beautiful buildings anymore. They view career opportunities for themselves. I love that.

能有像你这样的人在这个特殊的行业里给我们展示你能做的事情是非常了不起的. You can say ‘I’m living proof that it can be done.’ That has to resonate with a lot of students. You were an Ollie Scholarship winner as well, correct?

Yes. 通过BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会获得奥利奖学金无疑促进了我的职业生涯. 在成为奥利学者之后,我在这个行业中受到了关注. I became more marketable. 我最终参加了RPA课程,并获得了RPA证书,这对我的职业生涯有很大帮助. I received internal mentors within my own firm. 我在公司外也有导师,他们是BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会多元化委员会的成员.

我想问问你现在的情况你现在在哪里,在哪里工作. 作为这个行业的一员,是什么吸引着你?你每天喜欢做什么?

I love to learn and read. 我就是喜欢吸收信息,我要告诉你,在这个行业,你会继续发展. There’s much to learn. That’s what is intrinsically rewarding for me. I’ve learned so much about accounting, lease administration, construction, the guts of a building – it goes on and on. That’s the cool thing.

I’m a property manager, 但在这里,我有能力在日常运营中学习其他商业房地产交易的各个方面. I meet all sorts of people. Networking is amazing. I can be inquisitive and learn as much as I want to know.

人们在物业管理方面晋升的一种方式是搬到更大或更高级别的办公楼,以获得更多的责任. Has that been your path thus far?

For the most part, yes. It’s not just the classes. It’s the types. There’s retail, which is a beast in and of itself. There is so much there. Then you go to office towers that have a retail aspect. In one position, I may have learned so much about lease administration. But then you get to another building and they’re redeveloping an asset. So now, you’re learning about building improvements and construction. Then you may go to another building that’s stable, 所以现在你正在学习如何与你的租户建立关系,因为这可能是你花费大部分时间做的事情. So, every building offers a unique learning opportunity.

From your perspective, 就时间承诺而言,潜在的新多元化大使应该考虑哪些事情?

我想说,知道你的参与可以帮助建立多元化的人才储备, 我们这个行业所需要的聪明才智值得你付出任何时间.

What comprises the range of things one can do as a Diversity Ambassador?

You could volunteer from an administrative aspect. On the Diversity Committee, 我花时间制作了一个ppt,供委员会成员外出向高中生演讲时使用. When there are events, 你可以自愿去寻找赞助商,或者自愿在简历上提供一些反馈. 花15到30分钟的时间和应届毕业生或正在找工作的人交谈,对他们来说是非常宝贵的.


Yes. We have interactions one-on-one and even after the presentation is done, you’ll get to talk to people. 另一件我认为很重要的事情是,多样性大使项目是为任何人准备的. Building engineers. Sales. Any range of jobs that interact with our buildings is fair game.


It’s easy. Just fill out an online form and BOMA/Chicago will place you in the proper environment for you to get started.

And hopefully, you will hold some hands along the way, right?

Count on it!

如果你热衷于确保我们行业的多样性和包容性不断得到加强, take the first step by applying to become a Diversity Ambassador today! For further questions, contact Jaclynne Madden, Director of Education, at jmadden@BOMA/ or (312) 870-9608.